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Welcome to the Faculty Resource Library at the Center for Inclusive Excellence. Located in our Lawrence Hall 205 office, our collection offers books covering pedagogy, assessment, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Open to all, our library provides resources to enhance understanding and practice in these crucial areas. Empower your journey of learning and growth with our curated selection of literature.

Browse our catalog below and visit us in LH 205 to check out a book. Alternatively, email CIE Coordinator Christl Caspar at to borrow a book, conveniently delivered through interoffice mail. Please also contact or with any book purchase suggestions or requests. 


LGBTQ & Gender 

Barker, Meg-John and Jules Scheele. GENDER: A Graphic Guide [2].
Barker, Meg-John and Jules Scheele. QUEER: A Graphic History [4].
Bechdel, Alison. Fun Home [2].
Wing, Rhea. FINE: A Comic about Gender.
Groves, Judy and Cathia Jenainati. Introducing Feminism.
Moen, Erika and Matthew Nolan. Drawn to Sex: The Basics. 
Moen, Erika and Matthew Nolan. Let's Talk About It. 
Hooks, Bell. All About Love [3].
Hooks, Bell. Feminism is for Everybody. 
Hooks, Bell. The Will to Change. 
Jones, Norma, Maja Bajac-Carter, Bob Batchelor. Heroines of Film and Television. 
Lorde, Audre. Sister Outsider.
Shane, Dr. Kryss. Creating an LGBTQ+ Inclusive University
Zakaria, Rafia. Against White Feminism. 

BIPOC & Racial Identity 

Allen, W. Theodore. The Invention of the White Race.
Baldwin, James. The Fire Next Time.
Chavez, Felicia Rose. The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop [2]. 
DiAngelo, Robin. What Does It Mean to be White?
Gay, Roxane. Hunger [2]. 
Hughes, Richard T. Myths America Lives By. 
Jackson, Regina and Saira Rao. White Women.
Kendi, Ibram X. How to be an Anti-Racist. 
Lyons, Scott Richard. X-Marks. 
Mattingly, Victoria, Sertrice Grice, Allison Goldstein. Inclusalytics. 
Menakem, Resmaa. My Grandmother's Hands. 
Morrison, Toni. Beloved [2].
Morrison, Toni. The Source of Self-Regard. 
Nicolson, Hope. The Secret Loves of Geek Girls. 
Painter, Nell Irvin. The History of White People [2].
Tatum, Beverly Daniel. Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?
Tolchuk, Shelly. Witnessing Whiteness. 
Vuong, Ocean. On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous. 
Van Der Kolk, Bessel. The Body Keeps the Score.
Walker, Rheeda. The Unapologetic Guide to Black Mental Health [3]. 
Young, Damon. What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Blacker. 

Robotics, Technology, and Higher Ed 

Frischmann, Brett and Evan Selinger. Re-Engineering Humanity. 
Ford, Martin. Rise of the Robots. 
Markoff, John. Machines of Loving Grace. 

General Education, Assessment, and Curriculum Development

Arum, Richard and Josipa Roksa. Academically Adrift. 
Barry, Lynda. Syllabus [3]. 
Chemerinsky, Erwin and Howard Gillman. Free Speech on Campus. 
Condon, Iverson, Manduca, Rutz, and Willett. Faculty Development and Student Learning. 
Dunn, McCarthy, Baker, and Halonen. Using Quality Benchmarks for Assessing and Developing Undergraduate Programs. 
Felten, Gardener, Schroeder, Lambert, Barefoot. The Undergraduate Experience. 
Gregg and Easterbrook. It's Better Than It Looks. 
Greene and Lindinsky. From Inquiry to Academic Writing. 
Hammond, Zaretta. Culturally Responsive Teaching & The Brain. 
Hundreiser, Jim. Strategic Enrollment Planning.
Huott and O'Neill. Assessing Writing. 
Kuh, Ikenberry and Associates. Using Evidence of Student Learning. 
Kulakowski and Chronister. Research Administration and Management. 
Lattuca and Stark. Shaping the Curriculum. 
Lombardo and Eichinger. FYI: For Your Improvement. 
Lunsford, Ruszkiewicz, and Walters. Everything's an Argument. 
Marshall and GOldsmith. What Got You Here Won't Get You There.
Mcaggert, Terrence. Academic Turnarounds. 
Mezeske, Richard and Barbara. Beyond Tests and Quizzes. 
Moss, Pamela A. Evidence and Decision Making. 
Miller, Jeffrey A. The Anxious Organization. 
National Collegiate Honors Council. Fundraising for Honors. 
NCHC Monograph Series. Housing Honors. 
Neuhaus, Jessamyn. Geeky Pedagogy [2].
The Philadelphia Press. Guide to Public Speaking. 
Pierce, Susan Resneck. On Being Presidential. 
Pink, Daniel H. WHEN: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing. 
Price, Margaret. Mad at School [2]. 
Random House. Webster's College Dictionary. 
Sanaghan, Goldstein, and Gaval. Presidential Transitions. 
Schein, Edgar H. Organizational Culture and Leadership [2].
Schuh, Biddix, Dean, and Kizzie. Assessment in Student Affairs.
Selingo, Jeffrey J. College (Un)Bound. 
Smith, Daryl G. Diversity's Promise for High Education. 
Soares, Joseph A. SAT Wars.
Suskie, Linda. Assessing Student Learning. 
Truss, Lynne. Eats, Shoots, & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation. 
Wildavsky, Kelly, and Carey. Reinventing Higher Education.
Zemsky, Robert. Checklist for Change.