Blood Splatter Analysis is a Hit at Annual CSI High School Summer Camp Tuesday, July 23, 2019
For the eighth year in a row, Point Park University welcomed nearly 30 high school students from a variety of regions — New York, Virginia, South Carolina and all across Pennsylvania — to its CSI Summer Camp.
Each summer, the camp is hosted by the Department of Criminal Justice and Intelligence Studies and led by Associate Professor of Forensic Science Edward Strimlan, M.D., who conducted more than 2,000 death scene investigations during his time as the chief forensic investigator for Allegheny County's Office of the Medical Examiner.
During the four-day camp, students investigated mock crime scenes in the crime scene house on campus, conducted lab work on blood splatter, fibers, fingerprints, hair and trace evidence, engaged in a mock courtroom trial and a Ninja/Shinobi fighting lesson and learned about career options in forensic science, criminal justice and intelligence and national security.
In addition to Strimlan, students learned from Point Park CJIS faculty members Michael Botta, Blasé Kraeer, Sean Elliot Martin and Andrew Richards.
“This was another great group of students! They were inquisitive, intelligent, creative and enthusiastic. I could not have asked for a better bunch,” Martin said.
The 2019 CSI camp wrapped up with the students watching a video of a real autopsy, giving group presentations on crime scene scenarios, a game of forensic jeopardy and an awards ceremony in which more than 30 family members attended.
Tell us about your week at our CSI camp.

Grayce Funkhouser
Senior, Hopewell High School
Aliquippa, Pa.
"I wanted to learn more about forensic science and see if this is a career field I want to pursue. My grandparents found this camp online and recommended it to me. I enjoyed all of the activities from measuring blood splatter to investigating the crime scenes. It was really cool figuring out if the mock crime scene Dr. Strimlan set up for us was an accident, natural death, suicide or homicide."

Greg Hillman
Senior, Hampton High School
Allison Park, Pa.
"I really enjoyed the blood splatter analysis and the Ninja lab was entertaining, too. I liked learning about the history behind Ninja and Shinobi fighting. I’ve toured Point Park University and it is one of my two choices for next year.”

Katrina Hoppes
Junior, Blue Mountain High School
Schuylkill Haven, Pa.
"I was looking for a forensic science camp to attend this summer and had been getting a lot of emails from Point Park University so I decided to come here. I’m very interested in forensics. My favorite part was learning about all that happens at a crime scene. It’s definitely not what you see on TV. It’s really fun to see what actually goes on and how long the process takes.”

Dylan Pettes
Senior, The Kiske School
Saltsburg, Pa.
"My parents recommended this camp to me and I thought it would be interesting, too. Seeing an example of a crime scene and trying to find all of the clues and leads was my favorite part. The most challenging part was investigating the blood splatter evidence. I like the location of Point Park because it’s in Downtown Pittsburgh and everything is so close to you.”