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Pictured are three Point Park undergraduate psychology students.
Psychology majors Sarah Rectenwald, Cristina Hornedo and
Amanda Grove

The Confluence Psychology Alliance student group hosted its Fifth Annual Undergraduate Research Conference at Point Park on Dec. 7, featuring research presentations by psychology seminar students and a keynote speech from Leswin Laubscher, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology at Duquesne University.

"More than 80 people attended the event, including parents and spouses, in which we celebrated our students' achievements in qualitative research," said Robert McInerney, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology at Point Park. "In addition, Dr. Laubscher's keynote address was intellectual, empathic and inspiring."

Laubscher has taught and done research in both the United States and South Africa. He is one of the principal researchers in an expansive international study that seeks to archive and analyze memories of apartheid experiences.

Pictured is psychology scholar Dr. Leswin Laubscher giving a keynote address at Point Park University.
Keynote speaker Leswin Laubscher, Ph.D.

Previous keynote speakers at the Confluence's Annual Undergraduate Research Conference have included psychology scholars Alan Pope, Ph.D.; Mary Jo Loughran, Ph.D.; Russell Walsh, Ph.D.; and Alphonso Lingis, Ph.D.

"The event was a great success. Psychology majors had the opportunity to display their hard work to their loved ones and to gain experience in presenting research at a professional conference. This is something that is often only done in graduate school," explained Ashley Bobak, a junior psychology major and chair of Confluence Psychology Alliance.