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Pictured is M.B.A alumnus Thomas Rudnicki, a systems analyst for Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC. | Photo by Chris Rolinson

Meet Thomas Rudnicki

Job title: Senior Systems Analyst
Employer: Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC
Degrees earned: M.B.A. with a concentration in management, 2010, Point Park University and B.A. in speech communication, Penn State University, 1996
Pittsburgh, Pa.
High school:
New Brighton Area High School
Now living in: Wexford, Pa.
Making custom artwork for others, camping, hiking, all things outdoors, physical, mental and emotional self-improvement and spreading smiles to as many people as possible
 Thomas Rudnicki

Why did you decide to go back to school for an M.B.A. degree?

Advancing in my career required I have a more in-depth understanding of the business processes and structures in place in my organization. The knowledge I gained in Point Park's M.B.A. program was precisely what I needed to become a more knowledgeable and active participant in the high-level discussions at my organization. The fact that courses were available on a schedule that meshed well with the responsibilities of my full-time job made this M.B.A. program an easy choice.

What was it like going to graduate school in Downtown Pittsburgh?

The convenience of the location in relation to where I worked and lived, coupled with the always interesting and engaging urban setting, made for both a productive and highly enjoyable experience.

How has the knowledge you gained helped you in your position at Magee?

The knowledge I gained in Point Park's M.B.A. program has afforded me a greater understanding of the behind-the-scenes business operations at Magee-Womens Hospital. As a result, I'm able to better serve the stakeholders on every level. My contributions have been recognized, and I was recently rewarded with a promotion. The return on investment for me has been invaluable.

What's one of your favorite memories as a graduate student?

I made life-long friends and important business connections at Point Park. One of my favorite memories was a course I took focusing on game theory with Dr. Bill Breslove. In addition to engaging my imagination on all of the potential possibilities in my current career path, he invited us to visualize ourselves as entrepreneurs. It truly sparked my interest in pursuing my own path. I have had a permanent improvement in my attitude regarding the reality of pursuing my own financial independence. It is one thing to learn basic business knowledge in an M.B.A. program, but my experience at Point Park went far beyond that and was nothing short of amazing. The M.B.A. program changed my mindset and opened my eyes to a world of opportunity, and for that I will be forever thankful.

What are your career goals?

I would very much like to run my own business eventually, but there are things I am still learning in my current career path that will help me tremendously along the way. Having more management experience under my belt is crucial. However, already having earned my M.B.A. degree is helping me to attain that goal.

Is there anything else you'd like to add?

Point Park offered exactly what I wanted in an M.B.A. program. The individual attention I received as a result of the small class sizes and having professors with current industry experience and knowledge to share was of the highest importance to me. Working directly with a very diverse student body on class projects was another huge advantage I gained at Point Park. It provided me with a solid example of what I can expect in the corporate environment. The variety of evening and weekend course scheduling options also made Point Park the perfect choice for my busy work and family life.
