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Sports Media During a Pandemic is the topic of Point Park University's Center for Media Innovation and Pittsburgh Center for Sports Media and Marketing's virtual event September 29. This event is free and open to the public. 

Industry professionals who worked inside-and-outside of the NHL "bubble" during the Stanley Cup Playoffs will share their experience navigating sports media during a pandemic.

Moderated by School of Communication alumnus Tom McMillan, vice president, communications, for the Pittsburgh Penguins, and director of the Center for Sports Media and Marketing, panelists include: 

A Q&A will follow the discussion. 

Join Us

Tuesday, Sept. 29 at 11:20 a.m.
Register online to receive the Zoom session link.

More About: WTAE, sports communication, School of Communication, Rowland School of Business, Pittsburgh Penguins, Center for Media Innovation, alumni, Center for Sports Media and Marketing