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Meet Bethany Barich

Majors: B.A., Cinema Production
Expected Graduation: 2016
West Sunbury, Pa.
High School:
Moniteau High School

My uncle actually suggested it to me for its acting program! I originally wanted to do acting and was struggling to find schools that realistically seemed like an option. I came down for an orientation and loved it, decided to apply, got in on the spot and set up an audition into the acting program. Sadly, though, I didn't get into the acting program and after a second failed attempt I decided to pursue other things. That other thing ended up being public relations which ended up not being for me. Through a lot of encouragement, I applied to the film program and got in, and I guess you could say the rest is history.

Who is your favorite professor and why?

My favorite professor hands down is Chris Sepesy. He teaches the majority of the film history classes and the lessons he gives, the movies he makes us watch, they're all fascinating. You never really forget the things you learn in his class, and he just makes lectures enjoyable.

Pittsburgh is a city known for its culture and art. What is your favorite artsy thing about the city?

The museums! I love the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, as well as the Carnegie Science Center (even if that isn't so artsy), and the Andy Warhol Museum is pretty rad too. I also like the stage shows that can be seen in the Cultural District. There are some fantastic shows that come to Pittsburgh and it's definitely worth going to at least one while you're here.

Fill in the blank: Pittsburgh has just been nominated as America's top city for ____________.

Going green? Think about it - the new PNC building downtown, all of the new bikes around the area and new bike trail from Downtown to the Strip. I'd say Pittsburgh is a city that's going green and is doing it quite well.

Pittsburgh has some amazing food. What is your favorite dish to get in the 'Burgh?

Oh goodness, should I be that typical person and say Primanti's? It probably has to be whatever is at Conflict Kitchen. I absolutely love Conflict Kitchen. They're currently doing Cuban food and I know when I get my next paycheck that I'll be putting $12 aside so I can go and get some authentic Cuban food and drinks. If not Conflict Kitchen, than maybe Fuel and Fuddle or Fatheads.

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Photos by Victoria A. Mikula, sophomore photojournalism major
Text by Jakob Como, senior multimedia major