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The Point Park University community is inclusive of people from many different religious and spiritual traditions, as well as cultural, language and racial backgrounds. We celebrate our rich diversity and recognize its value for our community's well-being and growth. We believe that all individuals are united in our search for meaning in life. The spiritual well-being of our students, faculty and staff is essential to our core values: nuturing students in their academic and personal growth, facilitating relationships of mutual respect and diversity, and fostering community engagement.  We strive to foster culturally-appropriate support for our community members that is welcoming to all and encourages the expresssion of the full range of our collective spiritual practices.

Interfaith Meditation Room

Near the Point Cafe on the second floor of Lawrence Hall, Point Park has an interfaith Meditation Room that is available 24 hours a day/7 days a week for individuals to pray or meditate. Please remove your shoes before entering in order to honor the sacredness of this interfaith prayer space for our whole community.

Connect with a Local Religious Community

Our campus is nestled in a diverse collection of community religious groups including campus ministries, congregations, synagogues, mosques and more. Please see this list of Local Religious Communities for nearby opportunities to practice or explore your faith with others.