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Point Park University’s Centers for Learning and Student Support (CLASS) provide academic support for students seeking help in their coursework. CLASS is located on the 5th floor of West Penn Hall. Information about our services offered for the current semester can be found on our scheduling portal. This is where you can schedule or request appointments.

CLASS offers both online and on-ground assistance through four distinct learning centers staffed with peer tutors and peer writing consultants who have taken many of the courses offered each semester at Point Park University. In addition, professional tutors, writing consultants and academic coaches are available to help students.

Tutoring Center – West Penn 517

The Tutoring Center provides assistance with many courses offered each semester. Our scheduling portal features a dropdown menu that lists the courses covered during a semester. 

From the scheduling portal, select the link for the Tutoring Center. While in the Tutoring Center schedule, students can click on the “Show All ‘Subjects’ Options” drop-down menu to view the courses covered during a semester. Students then can select the course they need, and the schedule for the tutors who cover that course pops up for easy scheduling.

Tutors help with:
  • general coursework
  • assignments
  • studying 
  • supplemental learning support outside of the classroom 

Writing Center – West Penn 516

The Writing Center offers support with writing assignments for any course. Students also can submit writing assignments to our Online Writing Inbox through our scheduling portal for asynchronous feedback; submissions will be returned within two business days. 

Our writing consultants can help with:

  • any stage of the writing process
  • grammar
  • spelling
  • finding sources
  • creating citations
  • formatting
  • other writing conventions

Math Center – West Penn 519

The Math Center can help with all things math, from homework help to study support to assistance with understanding mathematical concepts. Services include one-on-one tutoring in addition to drop-in group sessions, which you can find out more about on our scheduling portal.

Academic Coaching Center – West Penn 520-522

The Academic Coaching Center offers one-on-one recurring appointments for students who need support with navigating the academic responsibilities for the semester.

Coaches can provide guidance on effective study strategies, such as:

  • organization
  • time management
  • note-taking techniques
  • exam preparation

Students interested in academic coaching can request our services through our scheduling portal; staff will then set up a meeting to determine whether academic coaching is the right resource for the student and, if so, schedule an intake session to pair the student with one of our coaches.

NOTE: CLASS makes a reasonable effort to meet the academic-support needs of students in a wide variety of courses.  However, we may not be able to honor every request due to limited staff availability or inability to locate a qualified tutor.

Contact Information
Phone 412-392-8132
Email / General Inquiries
Location 5th Floor West Penn Building
Scheduling Portal