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Meet Shay Myrick

Pictured is alumna Shay Myrick. | submitted photo

Job title and employer: Advertising Coordinator, Conde Nast
Degree earned at Point Park: B.A. in public relations and advertising, 2013
Hometown: Greensburg, Pa.
Now living in: New York, New York
High school: Greensburg Salem High School
Hobbies/interests: Attending art galleries, testing out new restaurants, hoarding beauty products
LinkedIn: Shay Myrick

How did you land your current job?

During the job search I chose the loud mouth approach and talked to anyone who would listen to me about my career goals. I used many non-traditional resources as well. Over the course of six months, I posted on social media, reached out to professionals on LinkedIn and attended any free networking event/conference in the city. My goal was to heighten my professional marketability as a forward-thinking, modern individual with a sharp eye for media trends and to get in front of the right people.

One day I received a bite of interest from the human resources department of my company who tweeted, "Who would like to work here?" I tweeted back with my email address and didn't think anything of it until I received an email the following week.

My advice to students and recent grads is don't be afraid to be a bulldog. Be aggressive with your career because no one will come looking for you and your talents, you have to make them listen.

What's a typical day like for you?

I am an assistant to the associate publisher and advertising director at the Architectural Digest. I am a liaison between upper management at the magazine and all sales reps throughout the world. In addition to typical coordinating role duties, I aid in tracking new digital business. Digital is an entirely new territory in editorial content and I'm excited to witness the inaugural programs take shape.

I've also worked closely with the marketing and events team at signature showcases like Art Basel in Miami, Fla., and various showrooms in New York. Each day is different and I'm so grateful for a solid start to my career.

Why would you recommend Point Park to a prospective student?

Point Park is a fruitful experience for those who are able to understand the many resources available to them early on. It's a school for those who are passionate about learning and ready to jump in. Who wouldn't want to be challenged from the moment they step onto a college campus?

Describe the School of Communication faculty.

Students at Point Park are lucky to be led by professors who are dedicated to student success and professionals whose wealth of knowledge stretches across many industries in the area. The School of Communication does a very good job at carving a special skill set into its curriculum that sets graduates apart from other job seekers.

What are some of your favorite college memories?

The best memories I had in college were times spent exploring Downtown Pittsburgh with my fellow classmates. Point Park attracts truly unique and down-to-earth people and I made some amazing friends.

Anything else you would like to add?

Never let external circumstances distract you from excellence. Remember the greatest things in life are those you work hardest to get and it starts with you.
