Dance Minor, SAEM Major Gaining Industry Experience at Andy Warhol Museum Friday, August 1, 2014

Meet Brooke Perkins
Major: Sports, Arts and Entertainment Management
Minor: Dance
Internship: Marketing Intern at The Andy Warhol Museum
Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pa.
High School: Serra Catholic High School
Expected graduation: May 2015
College activities: Student film actor
Hobbies/interests: Dancing, teaching dance, spending time with family and friends, Twitter addict and playing with my dog, Jack
Twitter: @brookehperkins
Instagram: @bhperki
How did you land your internship with the Andy Warhol Museum?
I was interested in an arts marketing internship and had the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh in mind, being that I frequent them often. I wanted to give back to the arts community so I figured the Andy Warhol Museum or Carnegie Museum of Fine Art would be a great fit. I spoke with SAEM Professor Teresa Gregory, with whom I've had many classes, and asked her what steps I should take. She helped me edit my cover letter and resume and land a phone interview with the person who is now my supervisor at The Warhol.
What factors made you choose Point Park?
The biggest influence I had in choosing Point Park was the dance program. As a kid, I auditioned and participated in the International Summer Dance Intensives at Point Park and I fell in love with the studios, teachers and the idea of dancing all day, every day. Unfortunately, I did not get into the dance program immediately after my graduation from Serra Catholic, but I was accepted to the University academically with a scholarship.
I'm a native of Pittsburgh and still had the idea of reaching toward becoming a dance major in mind, so I attended Point Park with high hopes of auditioning again. However, I was also feeling out other options and majors the University had to offer. I decided to take on the SAEM major for many reasons. After the intro class, I realized there was a world apart from what happens on stage to what goes into making a performance or any entertainment possible. I liked how coveted the jobs in the sports, arts and entertainment industries make for a competitive atmosphere among my peers. In a way, these jobs are just as highly regarded as the material they promote. I loved knowing I could be the reason why or why not someone would attend a show or event, just like how a certain artist or entertainer makes an audience. I also love the fast-paced, creative efforts in making arts and entertainment possible and relevant. No day is the same, and there is always something to do.
Lastly, not having to leave my hometown and already being familiar with the campus was a huge influence as well. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Please discuss your other career-related experiences.
I was a concert runner for Bruce Springsteen's show at Soldiers and Sailors Hall this past spring, and I work at Ulta at The Waterfront. I have learned how important customer service is no matter the product. I have found that even attending events around town whether it be a concert, the gallery crawl, a dance performance or a sporting event, it is great experience to observe what is going on in terms of the production and planning. I am constantly tuned into ads around town and that even helps with being able to see what brings people to events. Also, I do a lot of posting online for events coming from The Warhol. I worked at the museum's 20th anniversary gala and was able to see the intricate planning and media relations involved in the event.
How do you effectively balance your SAEM and dance classes?
As corny as it is, I LOVE both my dance and SAEM classes so the "workload" is never a burden. Both aspects of my dancing and business classes are so competitive in nature, so there is no time to stress over either. The professors and their connections in both COPA and SAEM are phenomenal. I feel that it is up to us as students to continually prove ourselves with the work we do that we deserve the opportunities allotted to us on a daily basis.
However, in the more literal sense of balancing classes, I usually try to schedule dance classes to start my day, then SAEM classes to finish, with breaks in between to work on homework or projects.
What are your career goals and how do you think Point Park will help you reach them?
My goal is ultimately to become a professional dancer even though the career itself tends to be extremely short-lived. With that knowledge however, I am so happy to be a part of the SAEM department and the infinite possibilities of employment in the arts and entertainment fields.
Going back to dance, I was accepted into the Rockette Summer Intensive and will be going to New York City in early August and am hoping for a positive experience there. I do not feel I would have been accepted without my dance experience and training from Point Park. After dancing, there are plans of a new Andy Warhol Museum to open in New York City's Lower East Side, so that could be a possibility in the future, but I am primarily focused on dance. Either way, I am sure I will end up in the "Big Apple."
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
I would recommend to all COPA students to double up with their performing arts studies with SAEM studies. Since you are already on a campus that promotes both sides of the business, it is smart to take advantage of both programs. For prospective students considering Point Park, even if you don't get accepted into the program you want right away, my best advice is to stay confident and work extremely hard and be thankful of the outcome either way. There is no shame in trying a million times rather than not trying at all or giving up after one small bump in the road!
More About: international summer dance, scholarships, dance