Susan G. Komen Greater Pennsylvania Recognizes Point Park's Honors Program for Fundraising Efforts Thursday, July 19, 2018

Susan G. Komen Greater Pennsylvania (formerly Susan G. Komen Pittsburgh) honored Point Park University’s Honors Program and its student organization for its ongoing support and fundraising as a Promise Keeper at its 2018 Celebration of the Promise.
The Celebration of the Promise began in 2010 as Komen’s opportunity to recognize and thank members of the affiliate’s now 53-county service area for their contributions to breast cancer awareness and dedication to Komen Greater Pennsylvania's breast cancer education, screening, treatment and research initiatives.
Honors Program Director Helen Fallon and Honors Student Organization President-Elect Kelsey Wolfe accepted the award at the June 14 event at the LeMont restaurant on Mount Washington. Recently, Point Park has raised more than $6,000 for Komen.
The Honors Program has competed with RMU and Community College of Allegheny County honors programs in a Pink Feet competition every October to raise money for Komen. The friendly competition ends with a check presentation to Komen and the awarding of a trophy to the winning program.
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