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We are here to guide you on a successful career path by improving your workforce skills and marketability. All of our classes are offered in a flexible, online format so you can fit your education into your life at your convenience. 


Graduate Degree Completion Program

Point Park University's School of Continuing and Professional Studies offers a transfer-friendly master's program to allow you to complete your degree and reach your next career goal. 


Noncredit Programs

Develop a passion or explore a new interest with our noncredit programs.

Bootcamps & Exam Prep Courses

We partner with Skillstorm, Stackroute and Dalton Education to provide you with the preparation you need to pass licensure or certification exams.

  • Online bootcamps and certification training from StackRoute Learning in some of the most in-demand fields like cybersecurity and data analytics — all mapped directly to industry standards requirements such as CompTIA certification
  • In-demand Tech Certifications from AWS, Microsoft, CompTIA, Salesforce and PMI® Project Management Professional through our partnership with SkillStorm 

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Point Park University is proud to be an Eligible Training Provider for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WOIC). Learn about our eligible courses for the WOIC program.

Faculty & Staff

School of Continuing and Professional Studies

Email: SCPS@PointPark.Edu

Dr. Shari Payne, Dean, School of Continuing and Professional Studies and Dean, School of Education
Annie Shean, Managing Director, Online & Professional Studies
Dr. Sean Martin, Department Chair/Lecturer for Criminal Justice & Intelligence Studies 
Naomi Jensen, Coordinator

Instructional Design and Technology Services (IDTS)

Email: OnlineSupport@PointPark.Edu
Todd Slater, LMS Administrator and Instructional Technologist
Anthony Leone, Manager of Instructional Design
Chase Barron, Senior Instructional Designer


Online Student Advising (OSA)

Email: OSA@PointPark.Edu
Pam Quatchak, Director, Online Student Advising
Sally Polnyj, Online Student Advisor/Success Coach 
Kaela Cardarella, Online Student Advisor/Success Coach